[in Arbeit] Starterliste für Finale aus Auswertung

Beiträge: 769
Registriert: Mi 9. Mär 2016, 16:14

Re: Starterliste für Finale aus Auswertung

Beitrag von [MEYTON] RG » Fr 26. Apr 2024, 12:20

Hallo Konrad,

mit deiner Datenbank konnte ich das Problem reproduzieren.

Es scheint mit dem Auswertungsmodus "Serien" zusammenzuhängen. Bei "Standard" klappt das Erstellen der Final-Starterliste einwandfrei. Ich werde mir das bei nächster Gelegenheit genauer anschauen.

Schönes Wochenende,

Beiträge: 55
Registriert: Mo 21. Mär 2016, 18:27

Re: Starterliste für Finale aus Auswertung

Beitrag von konschmid » Di 30. Apr 2024, 12:34

Hallo Roman,

vielen Dank für die Info.
Wir sind auf die Lösung gespannt.

Mit Schützengruß
und einen schönen 1. Mai
Konrad Schmid
Eichenlaub Schweitenkirchen e.V.

Beiträge: 3
Registriert: Di 7. Mai 2024, 12:26

Re: Starterliste für Finale aus Auswertung

Beitrag von joynicholes » Mo 13. Mai 2024, 11:58

Hey everyone, time to put our final project under the microscope! We've poured a lot of sweat (and maybe a few tears) into this, so let's make sure it delivers. Here's a checklist to make sure we haven't missed anything:

Did we hit the bullseye? Let's compare the project's goals from the beginning to what we actually achieved. Did we meet all the targets we set for ourselves?

Working as intended? Time to put the project through its paces! Let's test every feature and function to see if it works smoothly and efficiently. No room for bugs here!

Easy on the eyes, easy on the brain? We got to make sure using this project is a breeze. Is the interface clear and intuitive? Can anyone navigate it easily? Think layout, responsiveness, and accessibility for everyone.

Speedy Gonzales or Slowpoke Sally? How fast does this project move? We don't want any lags or glitches slowing things down. Let's check loading times, response times, and overall performance.

I have gone through this: https://forum.meyton.info/qlikviewtopic.php?t=1920

Code that sings? Beautiful code is a thing, you know! Is the code well-structured, organized, and documented? Think readability, maintainability, and following the coding rules.

Room to grow? Can this project handle bigger things down the road? Is the architecture, database, and infrastructure designed to scale up when needed?

Fort Knox or leaky faucet? Security is paramount! Does the project have measures in place to protect itself from vulnerabilities and attacks? Think data encryption, authentication, and authorization.

Did we squash all the bugs? Testing and debugging are our best friends! Did we have thorough testing procedures in place? Were we effective at finding and fixing any bugs that popped up?

Telling the whole story? Great projects come with great documentation. Is there a clear and complete guide for installing, configuring, using, and troubleshooting the project?

Learning from the journey? Did we listen to feedback throughout development? How did we incorporate it to make the project better? The ability to adapt and improve is key!

Final thoughts and future plans? Let's give our honest impressions – what are the project's strengths and weaknesses? Where can we improve? This feedback will be gold for future projects!

By going through this checklist, we can ensure our final project is polished, functional, and ready to take on the world!
