Troubleshooting: ESTA5 looses the connection to the Electronic Scoring Target

[MEYTON] Forum
Beiträge: 73
Registriert: Di 1. Mär 2016, 16:57

Troubleshooting: ESTA5 looses the connection to the Electronic Scoring Target

Beitrag von [MEYTON] Forum » Do 19. Mai 2016, 19:01


ESTA5 shows a blue view with the Meyton-logo, the text ESTA5 and the message "Es konnte keine Verbindung zum Messrahmen <IP-Adresse> aufgebaut werden."


Verify the following points.

Does ESTA5 connect after refreshing the view?

Refresh the view. Perform the following actions. Wait 30 seconds after each action.

  • Press or click on the Meyton-Logo above the text ESTA5
  • Press the key F5
  • Press or click on the button Refresh or Reload of the browser
YES: ESTA5 connects

Continue using ESTA5.

NO: ESTA5 does not connect

Continue troubleshooting.

Is the browser cache empty?

Background: All browsers save data from websites to a temporary cache. This may lead to a situation that an old version of ESTA5 is executed after an update.

Empty the browser cache before connecting to the "new" version of ESTA5.

NO: the browser cache is not empty or you are not sure if the browser cache is empty

Delete the temporary internet files (desktop computer)

  • Chrome and Firefox under Windows / Linux: press the keys Strg + Shift + Entf
  • Chrome and Firefox under Mac OSX: press the keys Cmd + Shift + Löschen
  • Safari under Mac OSX: Click in the Safari-menu -> Safari -> clear history
Delete the temporary internet files (mobile systems)

  • Chrome under Android and iOS: Press Chrome-menu -> history -> clear history
  • Chrome under iOS: Press Chrome-menu -> history -> clear history
  • Firefox under Android: Press Firefox-menu -> Settings -> privacy -> clear private data
  • Safari under iOS: Press Settings -> Safari -> clear history
Use the manufacturers documentation for other browsers.

Connect to the target again.

YES: the browser cache is empty

Continue troubleshooting.

Does the error disappear after switching off and on the devices?

Check if switching off and on the devices rectifies the error.

Perform the following actions:
  • Switch off all devices, then switch on all devices again
  • Switch off all devices, then switch on all devices again in a different order
  • Switch off all devices, then switch on all devices again while waiting 1 Minute between devices
  • Switch off all devices, then switch on all devices again in a different order while waiting 1 Minute between devices
Include all devices: Control-PCs, Electronic Scoring Targets, Display Controller, Gateways und workstations as well as all devices in the network, such as switches and routers.

YES: the error disappears after switching off and on the devices

Wait if the error appears again.

NO: the error does not disappear after switching off and on the devices

Continue troubleshooting.

Is the Electronic Scoring Target connected?

Background: Meyton ESTs are small computer. Power supply and network connection ensure that the Electronic Scoring Target can register hits and communicate them to other devices in the network.


  • Are there any damaged cables?
  • Are there any loose plugs?
  • Is the Electronic Scoring Target visible in the ShootmasterII software?
NO: the Electronic Scoring Target is not connected

Establish a connection. Verify power supply and network connection.

YES: the Electronic Scoring Target is connected

Continue troubleshooting.

Are energy-saving options active on the device?

Background: Energy-saving options influence computing power and the network connectivity.

YES: There are energy-saving options active on the device

Use the documentation of the manufacturer of the device to ensure:

  • the screen of the device is always on
  • the network connection is always on
Set the following options for devices with the operating system Android:

  • Sleep mode: never
  • WiFi in sleep mode: always active
  • WiFi-optimisation: deactivated
  • Standby and sleep mode during charging: deactivated (this setting requires the activation of developer mode. Use the documentation of the manufacturer of the device.)
NO: the devices are always on

Continue troubleshooting.

Are there energy-saving options active on the network devices?

Background: Energy-saving options influence computing power and the network connectivity.

YES: There are energy-saving options active on the device

Use the documentation of the manufacturer of the device to ensure:

  • the routers in the network are always on
  • the switches in the network are always on
  • the Access Points in the network are sending WiFi signals continuously
NO: the devices are always on

Continue troubleshooting.

Is there a line-of-sight between the device and the WiFi-Router?

Background: When using WiFi there has to be a line-of-sight between the device and the WiFi-Router. There must be no obstacles between the WiFi-Router the device.

Verify: Is there a line-of-sight between the device and the WiFi-Router?

NO: The is no line-of-sight between the device and the WiFi-Router

Position the WiFi-Router at the firing line. Make sure the WiFi-Router is

  • protected against hits
  • has a line-of-sight with the device.
On single lanes the you must not place the WiFi-Router in the bullet catcher.

Use the documentation of the manufacturer of the WiFi-Router to inform yourself about the emission characteristics of the WiFi-Router.

YES: there is a line-of-sight between the device and the WiFi-Router

Continue troubleshooting.

Is there more than one router in the network?

Background: A Router is a device that organises the network. Several routers in the network may lead to errors in the network.

YES: There are more than one router in the network

Make sure that there is only one router in the network.

Use the documentation of the manufacturer.

NO: there is only one router in the network

Continue troubleshooting.

Is there more than one DHCP-Server in the network?

Background: A DHCP-Server that distributes static and dynamic IP-addresses and subnetmasks in the network. A DHCP-server runs on a router or on a Access Point. A DHCP-server usually has a graphical interface. A user or an administrator configure the DHCP-Server.

YES: There are more than one DHCP-Server in the network?

Make sure that

  • there is only one DHCP-server in the network
Use the documentation of the manufacturer.

NO: There is only one DHCP-Server in the network

Make sure that

  • the DHCP-Server does not attribute IP-addresses that are already used by Electronic Scoring Targets
  • the DHCP-Server does not attribute IP-addresses that are already used by printers
  • the DHCP-Server does not attribute IP-addresses that are already used by a workstation
  • the DHCP-Server does not attribute the same IP-address twice
Use the manual „IP Adressen in einem Meyton Netzwerk“ (currently only available in German) from the Meyton homepage.

Use the documentation of the manufacturer.

Continue troubleshooting.

Are there managed switches or switches with security options in the network?

Background: Managed switches filter information depending on security options. These security options are also called firewalls. This filtering may influence the Meyton network. Managed switches are marked as such. Only non-managed switches forward information without filtering.

YES: there are managed switches or switches with security options in the network

Deactivate all security options and filters of managed switches. Use the documentation of the manufacturer.

Replace managed switches with non-managed switches.

NO: there are only non-managed switches in the network

Continue troubleshooting.

Are there PowerLan-connections, network connections via electric cabling, WiFi Bridges or a wireless connection?

Background: Low signal quality may lead to random interruptions of the network connection. Devices of some manufacturers may disturb the network connection.

YES: there are PowerLan-connections, network connections via electric cabling, WiFi Bridges or a wireless connection in the network

Replace the connections with Ethernet cables.

NO: only Ethernet cables are in the network

Continue troubleshooting.

Is the version of the browser up-to-date?

Background: Many bugs are fixed in up-to-date-versions.

Identify the up-to-date version of the browser. Use the documentation of the manufacturer.

NO: The browser is not up-to-date.

Update the browser. Use the documentation of the manufacturer.

YES: The browser is up-to-date

Continue troubleshooting.

Does ESTA5 connect while using another browser?

Background: ESTA5 is based on HTML 5 technology. The hardware and the operating system of the device work together with the browser. This creates a huge manifold of possible variants. Not all of these variants work equally well. You can find the variant that works well for your shooting range and your requirements.

Meyton recommends Google Chrome from Version 30.

Try also

  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Google Chrome
  • Windows Internet Explorer
  • Microsoft Edge
  • and other browsers
YES: ESTA5 connects while using another browser

Continue using the browser.

NO: ESTA5 does not while using another browser

Continue troubleshooting.

Contact Meyton

Before contacting Meyton:

  • Verify all the points in this troubleshooting!
  • Note the serial number of the affected EST. You find the serial number on the EST. The serial number is on a small adhesive label near the socket of the EST.
  • Note the versions of the software on the Meyton devices. Use the manual „Welche Version habe ich“ from the Meyton homepage.
  • Note a precise error description! What happens? Under which conditions does it happen? When does it happen?
  • Prepare your customer ID! You find your customer ID on all bills and offers from Meyton.
    Contact Meyton
Use one of the following ways to contact Meyton:
